Palm Sunday to Easter a most Joyeous time for Lithuanians
Yes, click on the image for an enlargement, and you can read about "Calender Customs" at our web site "" LIBRARY tab, the book we host, "The Lithuanians" by Juozas Kudirka.
CLICK -The Lithuanians Sunday April 1, 2007 Special from Palm Sunday to Easter and some music of Spring / Pavasaris
Hear Today's broadcast from our "The Lithuanians Voice" radio station, as we continue sharing Lietuvybe / That Lithuanian Spirit. <<<>>>> Pavasaris / Spring <<<<<<>>>>>
Visit our website, "CONTENTS The Lithuanians Voice Channel 6 streaming audio, no download required.
There will be some changes coming this month, April "Balandis."
This effort is intended as entertainment, education and promotion of Lithuanian culture.